Why is Flexible Packaging important for Your Product?


flexible packaging

As a brand owner, one always had their head-scratching when it comes to choosing the perfect package for your product. We all know of the flexible pouches, bags that add ease to our lives every day. It can be seen in its full application in almost all the industries, be it Food & Beverage, Pharmaceuticals, or Health, Beauty & Personal Care. If you’re faced with the decision on whether to go with rigid or flexible packaging, read through the information about Flexible Packaging that’ll make the choice clear.


360° Branding Coverage

Instead of being limited to the size of a label, flexible packaging allows for high-impact graphics on every nook and corner of the packaging, enabling a 360-degree branding opportunity. 


Extended Shelf Life

With high-barrier films, airtight seals, or resealable bags, flexible packaging keeps highly perishable products safe from oxygen and moisture extending the shelf life of the food inside.


Endless Sizes and Shapes

The most notable quality about flexible packaging material is that it is available in various sizes and forms that work with just about any application. Flexible covers a multitude of sizes ranging from small single-serve sachets to larger multi-use pouches suitable for any market you name. Moreover, the packaging can be tailored to your specific needs for ultimate customization.


Eco-Friendly Packaging

Rigid Packaging and its environmental impacts are something everyone is aware of. A major reason for the paradigm shift in the adoption of flexible packaging is its environmental friendliness. It reduces waste at every stage of its lifecycle. Lightweight packaging enables more shipping in each truckload, making fewer runs, using less gas and reducing CO2 emissions. Furthermore, it is reusable and uses recycling material. Thus, it reduces the carbon impact.


The Demand for Convenience – Brands & Consumers

Who doesn’t want their supply chain, warehousing needs to be more convenient and cost-friendly? 

Brands all across the spheres are revamping their packaging strategy by placing their products in portable, lightweight, unbreakable pouches, easy to handle, carry, store both for the brand and consumers. Additionally, the ability to buy & carry more products that weigh less works greatly in the brand’s favor.

Moreover, it is a no-brainer, owing to the fast-paced lifestyle, the consumers want every product to meet them where they are at. Flexible packaging looks appealing on the shelves. It helps to enable the clear visibility of its contents which fosters buying instincts in consumers. Safe, compact and easy to use – consumers expect and flexible packaging delivers.


Unparalleled Capabilities

Flexible Digital Packaging has capabilities like no other. It creates digital consumer engagement (like QR codes), and guard against counterfeiting, as well as provide the ability to track products from cradle to grave. It allows the brand to respond to market demand in real-time. Requiring no additive plates, there isn't any need for a lengthy or costly setup when the design needs a change. It’s just a new file without the headache, cost and delay associated with the creation of new plates.


Multiple Product Variants or SKUs

This is the game-changer of digital printing for MSMEs & SMEs looking to print less of each SKU. Because there are no plates, multiple SKUs can run simultaneously in one print run without the need to either create or set up a printing plate. Irrespective of the fact if you have 8 designs or 800, digital printing has got you covered, and all in one order.


Digital Flexible Packaging: The Future

Flexible Packaging clubbed with the boon of Digital Printing is what is perceived as a panacea for all manufacturers. Digitally printed flexible packaging produces high-quality, photo-resolution images, a convenience feature consumers crave, with fewer emissions and less energy consumption than traditional printing. Digital Flexible Packaging offers the advantage of short runs, alleviating inventory space and cost concerns with the flexibility to make changes to the design quickly, with faster turnaround, all to get your product to market quickly. 

Therefore, it’s apt to say Digital Flexible Packaging is the packaging of the future. It furthermore enhances a brand’s public image positively by conveying a technologically oriented and environmentally aware spirit.  


Eager to learn more about digital printing for your Digital Flexible Packaging needs? 

STARK PACKMATE and its team of experts assist by delivering ingenious digital packaging solutions regardless of the stage you’re in, from the maiden idea and planning stage to the “I’m all set to print” stage.

Partner with STARK PACKMATE to launch the best flexible package for your brand.


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